Lithography service
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The following is a bird watching pictures:
1.Product Name: spotting scope reticle
2.Application: Can be applied to outdoor sports and hunting
3.Function introduction: The reticle has a full multi-coating, and the crosshair has the characteristics of red illuminating. Anti-reflective coatings are used in conjunction with high-density glass for superior resolution, color fidelity and maximum brightness.
4.Typical application: This reticle has a diameter of 65mm and a thickness of 1.5mm. The reticle is placed on the eyepiece of the spotting scope to match the white line on the eyepiece to the white point on the bayonet fitting. Insert the eyepiece into the body and turn it 1/4 turn clockwise until the eyepiece clicks into place and aligns with the indicator line. The configuration of the reticle and the spotting scope is completed quickly. Accurate scales on this reticle provide high performance and comfortable viewing for birdwatchers and natural observers.


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